Supporting Deaf People 2001
Themes: Ethics and Professionalism; Educational Interpreting;
Date: June 2001
The SDP 2001 conference was the first online conference Direct
Learn organised. This conference was sponsored by Becta (British
Educational Communications and Technology Agency) and used their
online conference platform. In 2001, dial-up connections were commonplace
in people's homes and online conferences were in their infancy.
Using both electronic and traditional advertising, the conference
attracted 130 participants from 10 countries (AUS, CAN, CZ, FI,
DE, IE, IN, NZ, UK, US).
Direct Learn were able to offer Registry of Interpreters for the
Deaf (RID) continuing education credits for US and Canadian interpreters,
through our sponsors at the National Institute for the Deaf at RIT,
Feedback from delegates included:
"The main discussion group was lively, fascinating, controversial,
. I could go on for hours. The papers that were
presented were 'cutting edge' and have challenged us all to look
at our working practices, ethics and codes of conduct".
"Excellent in terms of cost, excellent in terms of flexibility
and access. I would have real problems attending a 'normal' conference
due to childcare issues, so this was a real bonus for me. It also
enabled people from much further away to participate... So I think
we had a more international mix than would have been possible otherwise.
I thought the idea was great and it worked really well for me. It
never really occurred to me that this type of thing might be possible,
but I think it was really effective."
"I would do this again in a heartbeat . The level of the discussion
and supportive, respectful tone of the comments set it way above
many live forums (or online, too) that I have been in."
"I am back to questioning the principles underlying my work
because of the discussions here. I am also more determined than
ever to get a firmer theoretical understanding of discourse analysis
and some of the other work that ties in to interpreting as a social
"This conference is absolutely wonderful...mind-boggling....thanks
to all of you who have made it possible. "
"The accessibility was wonderful. I liked logging on at my
convenience. Of course, the cost was right. I missed sitting in
the bar and having a glass of wine with my new-found colleagues,
smile. I would definitely participate again in the future and would
encourage others to do so."
"I appreciate so much the opportunity to be one of the attendees
of this historic first conference. I will definitely tell my colleagues
about this great learning environment".
The presentations from this conference are available. Please click
the links below.
Keynote Presentations:
Ethics: A Case for Re-examining the Code of Ethics by Dennis
Cokely, Director, ASL Program, North Eastern University, USA
Rise, Fall and Re-invention of the Communicator: re-defining roles
and responsibilities in educational interpreting by Frank Harrington
- Senior Lecturer in Deaf Studies, University of Central Lancashire,
mind the quality/width, feel the width/quality!" - The development
of a training, qualifications and registration system for BSL /
English Interpreters by Miranda Pickersgill - Chief Executive,
Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People, UK
Seminar Presentions:
for Success by Cynthia Collward, Colleen Freeman, Mandy Mothersell,
Joyce Pemberton and Patty Sapere - NTID @ RIT, USA
and Qualifications needed to work as an educational interpreter,
the CSW, a "go-between" and a "supporter"
by Sandra Dowe, Director, CSW Course at Barnfield College, Luton,
Approach: A Social Construct for Event Management by Lynne Eighinger,
Director, Signs of Development, USA and Ben Karlin, Interpreter,
St. Louis, USA
will we design our future as on-line interpreters? by Sharon
Lee, Interpreter, Interpreters Direct, UK
Deaf Students to Work with Educational Interpreters by Maureen
Moose, Interpereter, New York, US
Coping Strategies of Sign Language Interpreters in Higher Education
by Jemina Napier, Honorary Research Associate, Renwick College,
Training in the 21st Century by Rob Rodgers, Derby College for
Deaf People, UK