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JISC Innovating e-Learning 2007

Date: June 2007

This was a major online conference for the JISC, called Innovating e-Learning Online Conference 2007: Institutional Transformation and Supporting Lifelong Learning. The conference brought together a selection of key innovators in e-learning to present and discuss the current and future impact of e-learning, having around 350 participants. The two themes were designed to look at the impact of e-learning from an internal institutional perspective and from the more personalised view of the lifelong learner. With over 1400 postings in the main discussion areas, and a very active social area, the conference was seen as a great success by all the participants.

The proceedings from this conference are in the form of two ebooks:

More details about the conference, and the evaluation report incorporating much of the feedback from participants, can be seen at: The conference was the second in the series of Jisc online conferences.